What is Better Brain Fitness?

Do you want to keep your brain healthy and fit so that you can perform at your best and do the things you love for as long as possible?

Then subscribe to Better Brain Fitness.

Written by Drs. Josh Turknett and Tommy Wood, Better Brain Fitness provides research and resources for how to keep our brain healthy and fit throughout our lives. 

What you get for subscribing?

By subscribing, you’ll receive our Guide To Essential Nutrients and Blood Tests for Brain Health and Fitness (and Checklists for monitoring both). And you’ll also get our monthly deep dive articles into important issues, always chocked full of actionable information.

Plus, you’ll join a growing community of likeminded, action-oriented individuals who want to do all they can do perform at their best for as long as possible!

p.s. - and be sure to subscribe to the Better Brain Fitness podcast for the full experience!

Subscribe to Better Brain Fitness

Written by neurologist Josh Turknett, MD and neuroscientist Tommy Wood, MD, PhD, Better Brain Fitness explores the frontiers of how to keep our brain fit and healthy. Subscribe and get our Nutrients and Blood Tests for Brain Health Guide and Checklist.


Neurologist, musician, founder of Brainjo, and author of The Laws of Brainjo, Keto for Migraine, and The Migraine Miracle.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, University of Washington. Performance Consultant to Elite Athletes. Co-Founder, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.